
Field Visit at Chhaygaon, Shariatpur Site under GramClean

From November 30 to December 2, 2020, a team consisting of two (2) members from Dhaka head office visited Chhaygaon, Shariatpur to monitor and follow up GramClean project activities. The team had a meeting with the local advisory committee (11 members) which was formed earlier phase of the project. Based on the discussions, some new initiatives had been taken such as how to make compost fertilizer using bio-degradable waste generated from households, how to increase subscribers of this project, and how to increase awareness among the local villagers.

The team had few others several meetings with different community people like school teachers, shop owners, religious leaders, and representatives of the local government. The community as a whole assured with their affirmative consent to be involved with GramClean until the project objective is achieved.

During the visit, the team distributed some waste bins among the regular subscribers. The visit was happily ended with a big hope to make Chhaygaon “A Waste-Free Village”.  


Waste Collection Summary

Waste Type Chhaygaon Ekhlaspur Moinamoti Total
Ash (Kg) 1041.39 1104.04 180.49 2325.92
Burnable (Kg) 5692.34 4082.96 797.77 10573.07
eWaste (Pc) 1533 1111 706 3350
Glass (Kg) 1066.42 16.00 81.82 1164.24
Metal (Kg) 109.19 30.46 35.45 175.1
Plastic Bottle (Kg) 1079.72 1937.74 97.72 3115.18
Polythene (Kg) 2179.96 2383.15 204.52 4767.63
Chips Plastic (Kg) 2303.76 500.16 0.00 2803.92
Total (Kg) 13472.78 10054.51 1397.77 24925.06
Total (Pc) 1533 1111 706 3350
Last Updated 08 Jul 2024 31 May 2019 17 Dec 2017